Ignore the warning and enable the developer mode.Under security & privacy, you need to enable the developer mode.To enable it, search on the search box in the start menu “developer mode”.If you want to install the Google Play Store on windows 11, you need to enable the App developer mode.

By default in Windows 11, it is turned off. How to install Google Play Store on the Windows Subsystem for Android Step 1: Install Windows Subsystem for Linux Open the Windows Features tool by executing the optionalfeatures. However, there is also an option that is specific to the application and that is the developer mode. This guide will show you how to install the Google Play Store and download Android apps to Windows 11. You may have heard of the developer mode, beta, or the released edition of an open system, specifically with the windows editions. How to install Google Play Store on your PC Once the Google Play Store app is launched, click on the Sign in button. Enable App Developer mode and Install WSL Note: This tool is not officially introduced by Microsoft, so try it at your own risk.

Even though Microsoft has introduced the Amazon App Store, but thanks to the AdeltaX on Github, who developed the WSAGASCRIPT tool that you can Install Google Play Store on Windows 11.

It is no longer a dream, but in this article, you are going to learn How to Install Google Play Store on Windows 11. A small load of Windows Subsystem for Android (Subsystem Windows for Android).